Producers of medicinal plant raw materials gain several benefits
☑️ Technological and laboratory equipment not produced in the Republic of Uzbekistan, their components and spare parts, sandwich panels and ventilation systems, and raw materials used for the production of biologically active additives brought by manufacturers of biologically active additives, essences, and extracts from raw materials of medicinal plants for their own needs items and materials, packaging materials will be exempted from customs duty until January 1, 2025, according to the lists formed in the prescribed manner;
☑️ 180 days late payment of value-added tax on import of technological and laboratory equipment used for growing and processing medicinal plants, their components and spare parts, sandwich panels and ventilation systems, equipment, raw materials, materials, chemical preparations, and protective means given the opportunity;
☑️ Up to 50% of the expenses of road, rail, and air transport of the business entities exporting raw materials of medicinal plants and biologically active additives, essences, and extracts made from them will be covered by the Export Promotion Agency.
Press Service
Agency for Development of the Pharmaceutical Industry