The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan The Pharmaceutical Industry Development Agency
Ру O`z Ўз En

Dear entrepreneurs engaged in pharmaceutical activities!

The decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, dated January 23, 2018, "On measures to further regulate the production and import of drugs and medical products," indicates the preferences given to the local manufacturers in paragraph 5. In addition, the paragraph says to provide price preferences of 20 percent of the value of similar products of foreign manufacturers to the enterprises that produce drugs and medical products based on "in bulk" products, which have no alternative among local products when participating in state procurement.

At the same time, the Agency for the Development of the Pharmaceutical Industry states that it is ready to provide relevant information within its authority's scope when necessary. Specifically, the Agency is prepared to give essential information in making appropriate changes to the electronic platform of the State Procurement Trade Program. Accordingly, that responsible person has been assigned to participate in the process of implementing the trade program.

For inquiries: (71) 203-81-81 extension 230-231

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