The Agency for the Development of the Pharmaceutical Industry introduced anti-corruption handouts
"Directions and indicators for rating the effectiveness of anti-corruption efforts in state bodies and organizations" approved following the tasks defined in the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated January 12, 2022, "On measures to introduce a system for rating assessment of the effectiveness of anti-corruption work," the number of goals serve to fight against the corruption as a whole.
In order to increase the legal awareness and culture of the population and employees of the pharmaceutical industry, as well as increase the effectiveness of promotional activities aimed at forming an uncompromising attitude towards this evil, handouts (booklets) aimed at fighting against corruption, and shaping an intolerant attitude towards it, were widely distributed among the leaders and employees of the Agency.
Specialists provided instructions to those responsible for placing these handouts in the workplaces of the Agency. They were placed in the areas visible to residents and other visitors.
A reminder, the ranking of the effectiveness of fighting corruption in state bodies and organizations published by the Anti-Corruption Agency, the Agency for the Development of the Pharmaceutical Industry, was ranked 5th among 24 state organizations with 67 points.
Press Service
Agency for Development of the Pharmaceutical Industry