The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan The Pharmaceutical Industry Development Agency
Ру O`z Ўз En

Register of applications for licensing pharmaceutical activities

Application time Executive officer Status result
881 20.02.2024 Medicine and veterinary Denied
882 20.02.2024 Medicine and veterinary Successfully reviewed
883 20.02.2024 Medicine and veterinary Denied
884 20.02.2024 Medicine and veterinary Successfully reviewed
885 20.02.2024 Medicine and veterinary Successfully reviewed
886 20.02.2024 Medicine and veterinary Successfully reviewed
887 20.02.2024 Medicine and veterinary Successfully reviewed
888 19.02.2024 Medicine and veterinary Successfully reviewed
889 19.02.2024 Medicine and veterinary the application was withdrawn
890 19.02.2024 Medicine and veterinary the application was withdrawn
891 19.02.2024 Medicine and veterinary Denied
892 19.02.2024 Medicine and veterinary Successfully reviewed
893 19.02.2024 Medicine and veterinary Successfully reviewed
894 19.02.2024 Medicine and veterinary Denied
895 19.02.2024 Medicine and veterinary Successfully reviewed
896 19.02.2024 Medicine and veterinary Successfully reviewed
897 19.02.2024 Medicine and veterinary Successfully reviewed
898 19.02.2024 Medicine and veterinary Successfully reviewed
899 19.02.2024 Medicine and veterinary Successfully reviewed
900 19.02.2024 Medicine and veterinary Successfully reviewed
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