The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan The Pharmaceutical Industry Development Agency
Ру O`z Ўз En

Representatives of the State Center visited Bulgaria on a business trip

On September 19-22 of this year, Agzam Nartaev, head of the Digital Technologies Implementation and Information Security Department of the "State Center for Expertise and Standardization of Medicines, Medical Products, and Medical Equipment" under the FTRA, and Ravshan Hamidov, the head of the department of registration of limited prices for medicines within the framework of the system, were on a business trip to the Republic of Bulgaria at the invitation of the Bulgarian state "DANHSON-BG LLC."

During the visit, meetings were held with the management and specialists of DANHSON-BG LLC aimed at learning the international experience of introducing a product tracking system and recording reference prices for medicines, as well as the practical skills of organizations on the features of information systems integration.

During these meetings, the production activities of "SoftGroup" company and "DANHSON-BG LLC" were closely familiarized with the Executive Agency for Medicines of the Republic of Bulgaria.

State Center Information Service

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