The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan The Pharmaceutical Industry Development Agency
Ру O`z Ўз En

Export of Medicines from Uzbekistan Suspended until October 1

The Cabinet of Ministers adopted the Resolution ‘On measures to streamline the circulation of medicines, medical products and medical equipment during the coronavirus pandemic’. The following proposals of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Pharmaceutical Industry Development Agency, the Uzstandard Agency and the State Customs Committee have been accepted by October 1, 2020:

  • customs clearance of medical devices and medical equipment of the corresponding list, including oxygen concentrators, pulse oximeters and dietary supplements containing zinc, magnesium, selenium or vitamin D, without state registration and mandatory certification when imported by local manufacturers and sales;
  • customs clearance and sale of medicines of the corresponding list during import and production by local manufacturers without state registration and certification (only with some chemical examination) within 5 days.

It is noted that the companies involved in the import of medical products and medical equipment, including oxygen concentrators, dietary supplements and pharmaceuticals, as well as domestic manufacturers:

  • are responsible for the quality and safety of the product and must provide information about the sold products to the Agency within 5 days from the date of their sale;
  • for the certification of medicines with chemical examination, provide a manufacturer’s test document and a document indicating the test methods, ensuring that the international non-proprietary name of the medicine is indicated on the package in Uzbek, Russian or English.

The export of medicines, medical products and medical equipment from the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan (except for the customs regime of re-export) is suspended until October 1, 2020.

The export of certain medicines, medical products and medical equipment is permitted by the Special Republican Commission for the Preparation of a Program of Measures to Prevent the Penetration and Spread of Coronavirus of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the basis of a joint conclusion of the Ministry of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction and the Agency.

The State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the border troops of the State Security Service establish strict control over the illegal export of medicines and medical products from the territory of the republic.

Press Office, the Pharmaceutical Industry Development Agency

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