The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan The Pharmaceutical Industry Development Agency
Ру O`z Ўз En

The Pharmaceutical Industry Development Agency Creates a Public Council

By the order of the Pharmaceutical Industry Development Agency under the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan No.48 dated June 29, 2020, the Public Council of Uzpharmagency was created, consisting of 15 people.

The Public Council includes heads and officials of major pharmaceutical companies, representatives of the Association of People with Disabilities of Uzbekistan, Dori-Darmon JSC, and the Association of Pharmaceutical Enterprises of Uzbekistan.

The main tasks of the Public Council are:

  • taking into account public interests and public opinion in adopted regulatory legal acts, decisions, as well as state, sectoral and regional development programs, ensuring compliance with legislation in the field of protecting the rights and legitimate interests of citizens, legal entities, society, exercising public control over the activities of the Agency and its officials in the implementation of tasks and functions assigned to the Agency in the public interest, provision of public services, implementation of agreements, contracts, projects and programs within the framework of social partnership;
  • creation of a communication bridge between the Agency and citizens to ensure effective cooperation of the Agency with nongovernmental organizations, mass media and other civil society institutions;
  • generalization and assessment of social and socially-significant projects submitted to the Agency from NGOs and other civil society institutions;
  • systematic monitoring and comprehensive analysis of public opinion on the Agency’s activities on the most important issues related to the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens, conducting sociological surveys, including using information and communication technologies;
  • participation in the development and implementation of state programs and other programs in the field of combating corruption in the Agency, control and analysis of the work done to combat corruption, as well as preparation of proposals based on its results;
  • monitoring the measures taken to ensure the transparency of the Agency’s activities, analyzing the possibilities of obtaining detailed information on the Agency’s activities, developing proposals for their further expansion; Study of the conditions created for the participation of citizens in reforming the activities of the Agency and the development of proposals for their improvement;
  • participation in explanatory work and spiritual and educational activities among citizens on the activities of the Agency, development of proposals to improve their efficiency;
  • comprehensive analysis of the housing and social conditions of the Agency’s employees and their family members, the conditions for providing them with qualified medical care, as well as the problems of social and professional adaptation of dismissed or transferred to the reserve employees and, based on the analysis results, making proposals for improving these conditions.

We are waiting for ideas and proposals from the Public Council for the innovative development of the industry. In the future, the activities of the Public Council will be regularly covered on the Agency’s official website and its social networks.

Press office, the Pharmaceutical Industry Development Agency 

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