The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan The Pharmaceutical Industry Development Agency
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Ferula, Its Known and Unknown Features

It is known that about 50 percent of medicines produced by pharmaceutical companies in the world are made from medicinal plant materials. The rapid development of the pharmaceutical industry in many countries, including in the Republic of Uzbekistan, has led to a sharp increase in the demand for medicinal plants.

On the basis of the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 3617 of March 20, 2018 ‘On measures to create a ferula plantation in the country, increase the volume of processing of its raw materials and export’, the Association of Ferula Producers and Exporters was established.

Ferula is a perennial herb belonging to the family of the Apiaceae (Umbelliferae). Ferula has more than 160 species, 104 of them in the countries of Central Asia and 50 in Uzbekistan.

Ferula grows in sandy deserts, hills, mountains and foothills of the country, in Tashkent, Surkhandarya, Kashkadarya, Jizzakh, Navoi, Bukhara regions and the Republic of Karakalpakstan.

In nature, smelly ferula is widespread, from which gum is mainly obtained. This medicinal plant is a biologically active substance that has a positive effect on the patient’s body in medicine. The roots, leaves, bark, flowers, fruits, gum and other parts of the plant are used to prepare the medicine.

Our prominent ancestor Avicenna described this plant as follows:

Ferula seed decoction increases mother’s breast milk when taken 3 times 50 grams. Ferula gum with the addition of figs cures hepatitis. To heal bad wounds, it is necessary to rub them with a mixture of ferula gum with the addition of black pepper and vinegar. Ferula is also beneficial for hair loss.

Ferula gum-resin is used in folk medicine for the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, plague, ulcers, whooping cough, toothache, nervous and other diseases. In scientific medicine, ferula gum in powder, emulsion and tincture form is used as an analgesic, expectorant, tonic and sedative.

In the Eastern countries, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan and India, gum and ferula root are used as a seasoning in the food industry, in the manufacture of perfumes in the cosmetic industry.

Press Office, the Pharmaceutical Industry Development Agency

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